

  一 英汉词组互译

  1 保持安静                   2 在九月

  3 刚 才                  4 拍照

  5 作为一件生日礼物           6 十一月九日

  7 问一些问题                  8 .不准吸烟

  9 一会儿前                 10. 一付眼镜

  11散步                     12. 勿践踏草坪

  13 发出噪音                  14.一卷胶卷

  15 public signs                 16.come up

  17.No parking                 18.have a birthday party

  19.Keep off            20.blow out the candles

  二 按要求完成下列句子

  1.    Put the shoes next to the cupboard.(否定句)____________________________

  2.    It means “No littering”.(划线提问)__________________________________

  3.    My birthday is on the first of June.(划线提问)_________________________

  4.    You can pick them up for me.(一般疑问句)___________________________

  5. Ben and Jim often go home together after school.(一般疑问句)

  ________                           ___

  6.    Jim lives near Ben.(一般疑问句)_______________________________  ___

  三 连词成句

  1.    mean ,things ,different ,they ____________________________

  2.    public, know, lot, signs, about, I, a __________________________________

  3.    your, is, birthday, when?________________________________________

  4.    on, just, they, ground, now, were, the____________________________

  5. you, as, birthday, would, a, present, like, puppet, a ?_________________

  四 用括号内所给词的适当形式填空

  1.----Is this _______(she) bag? -----No, it‘s_________(me) bag.

  2. There are________(you) books. Please put ________(they) there.