
  班级 姓名 得分


  一 听录音,写序号。(12分)

  二 听录音,并判断。(12分)

  三 听录音,选择。(12分)

  1. □ a. younger b. older c. shorter

  My father is than my uncle.

  2. □ a. English b. Maths c. PE

  Yang Ling is not doing well in .

  3. □ a. first b. second c. third

  Go along this street, and then turn right at the crossing.

  4. □ a. higher b. faster c. slower

  The butterflies fly than the bees.

  5. □ a. swims b. runs c. jogs

  Su Yang faster than me in my class.

  6. □ a. minibus b. taxi c. bus

  I can take a to get to the shopping centre.


  一 单词辨音:(将方框中的词填在合适的横线上。9分)

  forty workbook blouse world horse house worm out morning

  1. word

  2. sports

  3. mouse

  二 完成句子:(注意形容词比较级的用法。5分)

  1. Su Yang‘s twenty minutes (小)than Su Hai.

  2. SuHai’s uncle is (高) and (壮)than her father.

  3. Where‘s the bus s top? You can get (上车)bus No 6 and get (下车)at the next stop.

  三 情景对话:(从B栏中选出与A栏对应的句子序号填在括号内 10分)

  ( )1. How many stops are there? a. Tom is.

  ( )2. Whose dog is thinner? b. Three.

  ( )3. Who’s taller than Ben? c. the boy‘s dog is.