


  一 同学们,请认真听录音,选择出正确的答案。

  1 A drink B swim C swing

  2 A take a trip B take a train C take a rest

  3 A read a book B read books C read funny books

  4 A Amy is 13 B Amy is 30 C Amy is 14

  5 learned Chinese B learned English C learn Chinese

  6 I went hiking B He went swimming C He went hiking

  7 Ben is happier B Ben is heavier C Ben is busier

  8 A Did he climb a mountain?

  B Dose he climb a tree? C Did he climb a tree?

  二 同学们,请认真听录,回忆我们学过的单词,完成填空。Xkb1.com

  1 Amy is _________ and __________ than Sarah.

  2 I’m wearing ____________ .

  3 Mike can’t ¬¬¬_________ . His throat is ___________ .

  4 Zhang Peng usually _________ kites on weekends.

  But last weekend he __________ English at home.

  5 Did you _________ the floor __________.

  6 My dog is __________ , but I am ___________.

  7 ____________ is the fifth day of the week.

  8 I went to the ___________ store __________ Danny.