
  姓名      班级      评分

  一 听音,选择。(10分)

  ( )1 A: hand   B: head   C: hen

  ( )2 A: house  B: horse   C: mouth

  ( )3 A: soap   B: south   C: arouse

  ( )4 A: bored  B: ball    C: call

  ( )5 A: have a cold  B: have a sore throat C: have a headache

  ( )6 A: count   B: cold   C: now

  ( )7 A: How do I feel?  B: How do you feel? C: How are you?

  ( )8 A: sad    B: set   C: son

  ( )9 A: My hand hurts. B: My head hurts.  C: My arm hurts.

  ( )10 A: She‘s bored.   B: She’s tired.  C: She‘s angry.

  二 听录音,判断对错。(10分)

  1     2     3      4      5

  ( )   ( )   ( )   ( )   ( )

  6 He has a toothache.(  ) 7 Today my uncle goes to work by bus because his leg hurts. (  )  8 The straw man was very tired. (  )

  9 My brother is ten years old. (  ) 10 You may get the flu.(  )

  三 听问题,选答句。(10分)

  ( )1 A: Yes, it is.  B: Yes, I am.  C: No, it is.

  ( )2 A: I have a headache.   B: He has a headache.

  C: My head hurt.

  ( )3 A: I am excited. B: She’s tired. C: No, she isn‘t.

  ( )4 A: He feels sick. B: She’s fine. C: I feel sick.

  ( )5 A: She‘s angry. B: She’s listening to music.

  C: She‘s gong to take a trip.

  四 听录音,填词。(10分)

  1 I can speak. I have a           .

  2 I failed the math     , so I’m very    .

  3 Nick is     after doing so many      .

  4 What‘s the    ? My leg     .

  5 How does Nick    ? He’s     .

  五 听录音,判断句子对错。(10分)

  ( )1 It‘s sunny today.