


  1. cold coat 2. hat hot 3. skirt shirt 4. blond blouse

  5.Tuesday Thursday 6. new now 7. boots books

  8. pants pens 9.socks soup 10. shorts short


  ( ) 1. A. She’s wearing a pink and purple skirt.

  B. She’s wearing a pink and white blouse.

  ( ) 2.A. Whose hat is this? B. Whose gloves are these?

  ( ) 3.A. This housecoat is too big! B. That housecoat is just right.

  ( ) 4. A. Breakfast is ready! B. Lunch is ready!

  ( ) 5. A.I like your new dress. B.He likes your old pants.

  Ⅲ。听音,标号用1 2 3……表示。(10分,每题1分)

  Ⅳ 听录音,给短文排序。(10分,每题2分)Xk b1.c om

  ( )No. They are old.They are my favourite colour.

  ( )Yes!It’s my birthday present from my mum.

  ( )I like your skirt.Is it new?

  ( )They are nice!

  ( )I like your pants.Are they new?


  Ⅰ 补全单词。(4分,每题1分)

  1.sw ter 2.sli ers 3.sm ll 4.pa rs

  Ⅱ 选出下面各组单词中不是同一类的单词,将序号填在题前括号内。(6分,每题1分)

  Ⅲ 单项选择,选出每组中最恰当的序号,将序号填在题前括号内。(10分,每题1分)