小学英语四年级下册:4B 第三单元测试题

  学号: 班别: 姓名: 得分:

  一 写出下列字母的笔画书及笔顺。(12分)

  1. X共( )笔 2. U共( )笔

  3.t共( )笔 4. W共( )笔

  5.y共( )笔 6. j共( )笔

  二 要求写单词。(20分)

  1.she‘s(完全形式) 2.long( 反义词)

  3.let’s (完全形式) 4.strong( 反义词)

  5.I(宾格) 6.he (物主代词)

  7.her(主格) 8.have(同义词)

  9.new( 反义词) 10.you‘re(完全形式)

  三 翻译。(18分)

  1.音乐 2.科学 3.运动

  4.绘画 5.安静的 6.教师

  7.学生 8.动物园 9游戏

  四 根据问句,选择答句。(20分)

  ( ) 1.May I have a look? A. Her name is Amy.

  ( ) 2.Where’s my book? B. Forty.

  ( ) 3.What‘s that? C. Sure. Here you are.

  ( ) 4. How are you? D. Many books.

  ( ) 5. What colour is it? E. I like computer game.

  ( ) 6. What’s her name? F. It‘s on the desk.

  ( ) 7. What do you like? H. He’s John.

  ( ) 8. What‘s in your bag? I. It’s red.

  ( ) 9.How many books do you have?J. It‘s a small bee.

  ( ) 10. Who’s the boy? K. She‘s fine.

  五 连词成句。(12分)

  1. he , big , eyes , has , and , nose , a , small.

  2. spell , these , can , words , you?

  3. put , English , on, head , your , book , your.

  4. what’s , name , his?

  六 写出下列的中文意思。(8分)

  1.a big turnip 2. USA

  3.come on 4. hooray

  七 根据提问来回答。(10分)

  1.What‘s your name? 2.Who’s your best friend?

  3.How many books do you have? 4.What‘s in your bag?