
  Class:________ Name: ________ Mark:______________

  Listening (听力部分30%)

  Ⅰ. Listen and choose.(听录音,找出你所听到的一组字母,并将序号填入题前括号内 。)(5%)

  ( )1.A cde B bca C bcd  ( )2.A WFG  B GFW  C CFW

  ( )3.A toq B top C qot  ( )4.A jgq B gjp C jpg  ( )5.A FER B EFT C KEF

  II.Listen and choose.(听录音,选出你听到的单词或词组。)(8%)

  ( ) 1. A. singB. singerC. kingD. making

  ( ) 2. A. showB. nowC. snowD. north

  ( ) 3. A. weekB. workC. walkD. weekend

  ( )4. A. whereB. whatC. howD. which

  (  )5. A. clean streets  B. sell things    C. help sick people

  (  )6.A.ride a bike   B. make kites    C. fly kites

  (  )7.A.play the violin B. play the football C. go hiking

  (  )8.post card    B. comic book   C. story book

  III.Listen and number. (听录音,按照你所听到的单词顺序在对应的中文意思下标上序号。) (5%)

  作家   画家   销售员   清洁工   男演员

  (  )   (  )   (  )   (  )   (  )

  IV.Listen and number.(听录音,排列句子。)(7%)

  (  )He is a policeman.

  (  )Hi! Zhang Peng. What does your father do?

  (  )How cool! Where does he work?

  (  )Hello! Mingming!

  (  )How does he go to work?

  (  )He works in a police station.

  (  )He goes to work by car.

  V.Listen and answer the question. (听录音,选择正确的答案。)(5%)

  (  )1. What does Amy‘s father teach?

  A. English. B. Math. C. Chinese.

  (  )2. What does Amy’s mother do?

  A. Writer.  B. Singer. C. Artist.

  (  )3.How does Amy‘s father go to work?

  A. On foot. B. By bus. C. By car.

  (  )4.Does Amy’s mother go to work on foot?

  A. Yes, she does. B. No, she doesn‘t.

  (  )5.Does Amy want to be a TV reporter?