小学英语四年级下册:4B 第六单元测验卷

  学号: 班别: 姓名: 得分:

  一 翻译下列词语。(24分)

  1.鸡肉 2.鱼 3.姐妹

  4.兄弟 5.父亲 6.母亲

  7.司机 8.医生 9.农民

  10.护士 11.教师 12.学生

  二 完成单词,并写出中文意思。(12分)

  1.f mily 2.unc e

  3.pare ts 4.a nt

  5.b by 6.b seball pl yer

  三 按要求写单词。(15分)

  1.young(写反义词) 2.come(写反义词)

  3.isn‘t(完全形式) 4.you are(缩写形式)

  5.I(宾格) 6.he(物主代词)

  7.we(物主代词) 8.she(物主代词)

  9.near(同类词) 10.have(同义词)

  四 连词成句。(10分)

  1. your, people, there. Many, in, have, family, are?

  2. family, members, six, my, have.

  3. father, is, what, your?

  4. tree, are, the, fifteen, there, on, apple.

  5. your, is, mother, this?

  五 根据上下问意思,完成下列对话。(15分)

  1. A: ? B: My mother is nurse.

  2. A: Is she your aunt? B: No, .

  3. A: ? B: I’d like some eggs.

  4. A: ? B: This is my father.

  5. A: ? B: There are five books in the bag.

  六 写出下列的中文意思。(9分)

  1. member 2.only

  3.little puppy 4.welcome

  5.mama 6.you‘re right.

  七 选择正确句子的序号完成对话。(15分)

  1.A: John! Look at these photos. 2. B: .

  3. A: Yes, they are. 4. B: Who’s this man?

  5. A: . 6. B: Who‘s she?

  7. A: . 8. B: Is this girl your sister?

  9. A: . 10. B: Who’ that baby?

  11. A: .

  A. Yes, she is a nurse. B. She‘s my aunt.

  C. Ha! Ha! It’s me. D. He‘s a teacher.

  E. Are they your family photos?