
  一 根据汉意填空。

  1.We write on the (黑板)with the (粉笔).

  2.This is (纸) .

  3. Jenny is (她的) (朋友).

  4.The (橡皮) is under the (椅子).

  5.These are (水彩笔).

  二 选择最合适的选项填空,只填序号。

  ( )1.Are you ready school?

  A to B for C at

  ( )2.This is pencil case.

  A a B an C the

  ( )3. it your pencil? No,it’s Danny’s pencil.

  A Am B Is C Are

  ( )4.This is a boy. name is Danny.

  A Your B His C My

  三 选择合适的选项补全对话,只填序号。

  1.What’s this?

  A. Thanks. B. It’s a book. C. Yes,I like it.

  2.Where’s my book?

  A. Here they are. B. It’s red. C. In the desk.

  3.Is this your cat?

  A.Yes,it is. B. Yes,it’s her cat. C. No, it’s not a cat.

  4.What`s her name?

  A. His name is Danny. B.Her name is Danny. C. Her name is Jenny.

  四 情景对话。


  A.How are you? B.See you later. C.Bye.


  A.My name is Kim. B.I’m Kim.

  C.What’s your name?


  A.This is Danny, he is my friend.