

  ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( )


  ( )1.A.Kim is in the classroom.

  B.Kim is in the gym.

  ( )2.A.This is a pencil case.

  B.This is paper.

  ( )3.A.He has a green pencil.

  B.He has a white paper.

  ( )4.A.Is it Danny’s pencil?

  B.Is it Danny’s pen?

  ( )5.A.His name is Li Ming.

  B.Her name is Jenny.

  笔试部分(共五大题,计70分)Xk b1.co m


  1.( ) A.boy B.girl C.woman D.desk

  2.( ) A.pen B.school C.pencil D.pencil_case

  3.( ) A.five B.seven C.first D.nine

  4.( ) A.blackboard B.chalk C.classroom D.friend

  5.( ) A.library B.classroom C.school D.paper


  1.I have 16 books. 2.This is a marker. 3.He is a boy.

  ( ) ( ) ( )

  4.It’s milk. 5.It’s a pen.

  ( ) ( )


  ( )1.______name is Lucy.

  A.Me B.My C.I

  ( ) 2.How______you?

  A.is B.am C.are

  ( ) 3.Nice______meet you.

  A.to B.at C.in

  ( ) 4.Where is Jenny?

  She is____the library.

  A.in B.at C.on

  ( ) 5.Is this_____pen?

  A.you B.yours C.your

  Ⅳ.连词成句(15分) Xk b1.com

  1. are, you, How


  2. am, I, boy, in, shool, a, new


  3. is, Jenny, name , Her


  4. say,Can, it,you


  5.is, This, a, chair




  2.The paper is _____the chair. The chair is ______the paper.

  A.above B.his C.this

  D.Where E.below