小升初英语:(6B)第一单元 Unit2 Lesson Two练习

  班级      姓名      得分

  A. Listen and judge.(1分×8=8分)

  (   )     (   )     (   )      (   )

  (   )     (   )     (   )     (   )

  B. Listen and complete.(1分×14=14分)

  1. They sat down     a     tree and     a chat.

  2. Are you as     as your twin     ?

  No, I‘m         Su Yang.

  3. Who’s     , you or SuYang?

  SuYang‘s twenty minutes           me.

  4. What    Mrs Li     ?

  She     a box of     .

  C. Look and write.(1分×12=12分)

  old older   young      tall

  heavy      big      strong

  thin      small      fat

  light      long      short

  D. Read and write.(1分×12=12分)(写反义词)

  1. young      2. old      3. thin

  4. black      5. short      6. small

  7. no       8. come      9. light

  10. bad      11. sit       12. short

  E. Read and choose.(1分×16=16分)

  (  )1. This cat is     than that one.

  A. fatB. faterC. fatter

  (  )2. The elephant is     than the bear.

  A. biggerB. bigerC. big

  (  )3. The brown dog is as     as the black dog.

  A. thinC. thinerD. thinner

  (  )4. A: Are these your jeans?

  B: Yes, they’re    .

  A. my B. ourC. mine

  (  )5.     skirt is this?

  A. Who‘sB. WhichC. Whose

  (  )6. This is     bedroom.

  A. the twins’sB. the twin‘sC. the twins’

  (  )7. Where     Mr and Mrs Brown from?

  A. areB. isC. am

  (  )8. Who is     , Mike or David?

  A. short B. tallC. taller