
  一 根据所听内容,选出你所听到的单词或短语。(10分)

  ( )1 A draw B down C dance

  ( )2 A horses B houses C chickens

  ( )3 A under B under the bed C behind the chair

  ( )4 A play the violin B play football C play table tennis

  ( )5 A a puppet B a pumpkin C a puzzle

  二 根据所听内容,选择正确的答案。(10分)

  ( )1 A Yes, I can B No,I'm not C No,I don'

  ( )2 I like pumpkins B A mask,please C Yes,he is

  ( )3 A It′s four o′clock B Four years old

  C About four yuan

  ( )4 A There is an umbrella B It′s an umbrella

  C I can see some umbrellas

  ( )5 A No,they aren′t B Yes,there aren′t

  C No, there aren′t

  三 根据所听内容完成下列短文。(10分)

  Look at the picture of Li ping′s_______。It isn′t_________。

  There is a desk near the ________。There are _____ _____ _____ books__on the desk。_________the desk, there is a cat ,There is a guitar on the________,Li ping ______ ______the guitar very well。


  一 英汉词组互译(10分)

  1 在学校__________________ 2 唱一首歌_____________________

  3 住在北京__________________ 4 骑马_____________________

  5 需要一些花_____________ 6 follow me _____________________

  7 a map of the world_____________________

  8 have a Music lesson___________________________

  9 go and have a look______________________________

  10 swim together__________________________________

  二 选择(15分)

  ( )1 It is the first day_________the new term.

  A at B of C for

  ( )2 Can you put a book___________your head?

  A at B on C in

  ( )3 The students are_____________a Music lesson

  A having B have C to having

  ( ) 4 -----shall we go to the zoo now ?


  A Thank you B That′s all right

  C All right

  ( )5 ___________a story book and two English books on the teacher′s desk。

  A There′s B It′s C There′re

  ( )6 ------___________masks do you like?


  A What B How many C How much

  ( )7 I can see a big sofa__________the bed。

  A behind B in C under

  ( )8 There aren′t__________pens. Here are __________ pens for you.

  A Some,any B any any C any,some

  ( )9 It′s nine o′clock ___________the evening.

  A on B at C in

  ( )10 ------Can you make a model plane?


  A don’t B can′t C can

  ( )11 Where is Ben? Who can find____________?

  A he B his C him

  ( )12 Here_______some orange juice for you。

  A are B / C is

  ( )13 I like_____________

  A pumpkins lanterns B pumpkins lantern  C pumpkin lanterns

  ( )14 ------I′m hungry。

  -----Here is some bread ____________you。

  A to B for C of

  ( )15 There is a map________China ________the wall

  A of;on B of;in C of;behind

  三 改错(10分)

  ( )1 How many classroom are there in your

  A B C

  school? ( )

  ( )2 There aren’t some pens in the pencil box。

  A B C

  ( )

  ( )3 Is there a telepbone on the table ?Yes,It is。

  A B C

  ( )

  ( )4 Let’s listen the song, please。

  ( )

  A B C

  ( )5 There are an apple and an orange on the

  A B C


  ( )

  四 翻译句子(15分)

  1 在音乐课上,我们能学会一些英文歌曲。

  We_________ _________some English______at a Music______________

  2 冰箱里没有鸡蛋了。

  ____________are not_________ ________in the fridge。

  3 -----你家附近有动物园吗?


  Is there a ___________near__________house?

  Yes。There are _________ _________and________in it。

  4 我喜欢游泳,但我的父母不喜欢

  I___________swimming,___________my parent’s _____________

  五 阅读短文,判断对错,对的写:“T”,错的写“F”(10 分)

  There are many nice flowers in my garden。In the garden I have a small house.。What′s in it do you know? Now you can open the door and  have a look 。There aren’t many things in it。You can see a small desk, a clock and two chairs 。Near the home  there is a big tree。My brother likes playing under the tree with his friends。And I like reading newspapers under the tree 。I like my garden very much.。

  ( )1 There is a big tree in my garden。

  ( ) 2 There are many things in the house。

  ( )3 My brother and his friends like playing under the tree。

  ( )4 I don′t like my garden 。It′s small。

  ( )5 I like reading books under the tree。

  五 根据短文内容,选择正确答案。(10分)

  There′s a robot (机器人) in the park。We all like him 。You can speak to him and he can listen to you 。And he can say “My name is Lin lin---Hello! How do you do ?” to you 。He has two hands. He can shake hands(握手)with you 。He has two legs。He can walk but he can′t swim。

  ( )1 There is a _________in the park 。

  A boy B Big tree C robot

  ( )2 He can __________with you .。

  A talk B shake hands C dance

  ( )3 He has two hands and _____________

  A a ear B two leg C two legs

  ( ) 4 He can say _________to you。

  A “What’s your name?”

  B “Welcome to our park”

  C “Hello!How do you do?”

  ( )He can _____________with his legs。

  A dance B swim C walk