
  一. 判断下列字母划线部分的读音是否相同,相同的用”√”表示,不同的用”×”表示。

  ( )1. me meet

  ( )2. tie tip

  ( )3. good go

  ( )4. coat boat

  ( )5. is has

  二. 找出一个划线部分的读音与其他两个不同的来,将其标号填入括号内。

  ( )1. A. make B. wait C. cat

  ( )2. A. cake B. cap C. glad

  ( )3. A. too B. fox C. zoo

  ( )4. A. thin B. five C. time

  ( )5. A. but B. mum C. usually

  三. 按单词的中文意思填入所缺字母。

  1. cl_ _n (清洁) 2.r_ _m (房间)

  3. th_n (瘦的) 4. s_hoolbag (书包)

  5. u_u_lly (通常) 6. h_m_ (家)

  7. sl_ _p (睡觉) 8. M_s (女士)

  9. n_w (新的) 10. t_ll (高的)

  四. 将下列单词或词组和对应的中文意思用直线连接。

  wait for 停止

  at home 当然

  of course 寻找

  look for 非常

  very much 在家

  stop 等待

  五. 从下列情景中找出正确的英语表达形式,将序号填入题前括号内。

  ( )1. 当你询问对方什么时候写作业时说:

  A. What are you doing ?

  B. When do you do homework ?

  C. Who are you ?

  ( )2. 当你告诉别人”我正在跳舞”时,说:

  A. I am singing .

  B. I am writing .

  C. I am dancing .

  ( )3. 当你询问”这个男孩是什么样子的”时候,说:

  A. What’s his name ?

  B. What’s the boy doing ?

  C. What is the boy like ?

  ( )4. 当你询问”他们正在干什么”时,说:

  A. What are they doing ?

  B. When do they go home ?

  C. Where are they going ?

  六. 根据问语找出答语,并用直线连接起来。

  What are you doing ? She is working .

  What is she doing ? I am drawing .

  What is your bike like ? She is tall .

  When do you get up ? I get up at 6:00 .

  What is Mary like ? It is white and red .

  七. 将下列对话补充完整。

  A:____ ____ ____ ____ ?

  B:I’m reading .

  A:____ ____ ____ ____ home ?

  B:I go home ____ ____ (根据实际情况)

  八. 联词组句

  1. lunch have when do you

  ___________________________________ ?

  2. are playing football we

  ___________________________________ .

  3. he is doing what

  ___________________________________ ?

  4. the bus is what like

  ___________________________________ ?

  5. tall is and fat she

  ___________________________________ .



  1. √ 2. × 3. × 4. √ 5. √


  1. C 2. A 3. B 4. A 5. C


  1. e a 2. o o 3. i 4. c 5. s a 6. o e 7. e e 8. r 9. e 10. a


  wait for 停止

  at home 当然

  of course 寻找

  look for 非常

  very much 在家

  stop 等待


  1. B 2. C 3. C 4. A


  What are you doing ? She is working .

  What is she doing ? I am drawing .

  What is your bike like ? She is tall .

  When do you get up ? I get up at 6:00 .

  What is Mary like ? It is white and red .


  A:What are you doing ?

  A:When do you go



  1. When do you have lunch ?

  2. We are playing football .

  3. What is he doing ?

  4. What is the bus like ?

  5. She is tall and fat .