

  一 按字母表顺序补全26个字母的大写或小写.

  _a _b C c __ E e _f _g _h I_ _j K_ _l M_ __

  O o P_ Q_ r_ S s T_ _u _v W w X_ _y Z z

  二 请选出各组中划线字母读音与其它两个不同的单词.

  ( ) 1  A. cake   B. name   C .apple

  ( ) 2  A. man    B. hand   C. tape

  ( ) 3  A. she    B. egg    C. we

  ( ) 4  A. me    B. pen    C. desk

  ( ) 5  A. bed    B. red    C. eve

  ( ) 6  A. beke   B. beg    C. bed

  三 将下列单词按项归类.

  case English family fine fish go guess happy jeep

  look morning new peach please student see wonderful year

  动词:_______ _______ _______ _______ _______

  形容词:_______ _______ _______ _______

  名词:_______ _______ _______ _______ _______ _______ _______ _______ _______

  四 选择填空.

  1.用 am are is my your his her填空

  (1)My grandma_____eighty; My father is_____son(儿子); _____name is Peter.

  (2)Thats Mary; I _____ _____brother; _____name is Bob.

  ( ) 2.A:_____is that over there? B:Its a dog.

  A. What B. Who C. Where

  ( ) 3.A:Whos that boy? B:Hes my _____.

  A. father B. uncle C. brother

  ( ) 4. A:Here is a gift for you. B:Thank _____ .

  A. you B. a lot C. very much

  ( ) 5. A:Where is your cat? B:My cat is in the _____ .

  A. classroom B. box C. office

  ( ) 6. A:Happy New Year! B:Thanks. You _____ .

  A. do B.to C. too

  五 将第Ⅱ栏中与第Ⅰ栏问句相对应的答句序号填入括号中.

  Ⅰ                 Ⅱ

  ( ) 1. Merry Christmas!         A. Shes over there.

  ( ) 2. How are you?           B. Thanks. You too.

  ( ) 3. Where is Alice?         C. Hes Jack.

  ( ) 4. Whats that under the bike?   D. Im fine, thank you.

  ( ) 5. Whos he?            E. Its a bird.