牛津版 4B一二单元考卷

  单元测验(U 1&2) Class Name Score

  一 找出划线部分发音不同的单词(6%)

  1 ( )A. doctor B. go C. clock D. watch

  2 ( )A. welcome B. brother C. hurry D. cup

  3 ( )A. boys B. cinema C. student D. nice

  4 ( )A. with B. thirsty C. father D. there

  5 ( )A. woman B. school C. look D. book

  6 ( )A. white B. where C. what D. whose

  二 找出不同类的单词(6%)

  1 ( )A. man B. girl C. teacher D. boy

  2 ( )A. mother B. nurse C. brother D. sister

  3 ( )A. white B. ruler C. red D. green

  4 ( )A. his B. she C. you D. he

  5 ( )A. white B. where C. what D. whose

  6 ( )A. is B. am C. are D. yes

  三 翻译词组(15%)

  1 树上的男孩

  2 穿红短裙的女孩

  3 长发妇女

  4 书桌上的文具盒

  5 那双袜子

  6 三辆玩具公共汽车

  7 七点钟

  8 我父亲的祖父

  9 一只眼睛

  10 哪所学校

  四 用is, am, are, my, your, his, her填空(10%)

  1 name is Tom. I a boy.

  2 You Sally. teacher is Miss Wang.

  3 That Nancy. mother is Mrs Green.

  4 The shoes too big. But that pair of shoes small. 5 Jim my friend. eyes are small.

  五 选择填空(10%)

  ( )1 Welcome our school. Thank you. A. too B. to C. two D. in

  ( )2 Who’s that man? Mr Green. A. He’s B. he’s C. his D. His

  ( )3 Excuse me, you a doctor? Yes, I am. A. are B. Is C. is D. Are

  ( )4 Mr Black a teacher? No, isn’t. A. is, he B. its, He C. Is, he D. It’s, she

  ( )5 Is that woman your mother? Which one? one in the blue dress. A. the, The B. , C. , The D. the,

  ( )6 the girl the red T-shirt. A. Who’s, in B. Whose, on C. Who’s, on D. Whose, in

  ( )7 Who’s the boy big ? A. with, ear B. with, ears C. in, ear D. in, ears

  ( )8 We late the party. A. is, of B. is, for C. are, of D. are, for

  ( )9 May I your name? Sure. name is Dick. A. no, My B. know, My C. no, I D. know, I

  ( )10 Look, that is . It’s four now. A. a clock, o’clock B. o’clock, a clock C. o’clock, o’clock D. a clock, a clock

  六 连词成句(15%)

  1 o’clock, eight, for, late, the, we’re, party, it’s

  2 hair, short, my, he’s, who’s, boy, brother, the, with

  3 woman, your, that, is, is, teacher, no, not, she

  4 trees, sir, yes, don’t, again, climb

  5 I, me, nurse, a, you, excuse, yes, am, are

  七 句子排序(16%)


  1 Yes. Let’s hurry!

  2 OK. Let’s go.

  3 It’s six o’clock. We’re late for the party.

  4 Excuse me, what’s the time?

  5 He’s in the car.

  6 Where’s your brother?


  1 I like juice.

  2 Have a cup of tea, please.

  3 Excuse me, may I come in?

  4 Sit down, please.

  5 Sorry, I don’t like tea.

  6 What do you like?

  7 Have a carton of juice, please.

  8 Thank you.

  9 Come in, please.

  10 You’ re welcome.

  八 根据要求或实际情况回答下列问题(16%)

  1 Who’s your science(科学)teacher? (An)

  2 Is your Chinese teacher a man?

  3 Are you a boy?

  4 Is your desk mate(同桌)a girl?

  5 Do you like Math?(数学)

  6 Where’re your books?

  7 That student is her friend. (改成一般疑问句,否定回答)

  8 The teachers are in the school now. (改成一般疑问句,肯定回答)

  九 阅读文章,判断正误(6%)

  H: Good evening, Molly.

  M: Good evening, Helen. Welcome to my party.

  H: Thank you. Is that boy your brother?

  M: Which one?

  H: The one in the blue shirt.

  M: No, he isn’t. The one in the white shirt is my brother.

  H: Who’s that girl? M: Which one?

  H: The one with long hair.

  M: She’s my sister. Wait here, Molly. I’ll get you some drinks. Molly去拿饮料,Helen一个人。

  H: Excuse me, where’s the restroom?

  C: Go that way, please. H: Thank you.

  M: Have a glass of milk, please.

  H: But I don’t like milk.

  M: I’m sorry. What would you like?

  H: I’d like some water, please.

  M: OK!

  H: Molly! It’s late. It’s time to go home.

  M: I see. How do you go home, Helen?

  H: By bus. Goodbye, Molly.

  M: See you. Be careful! ( )

  1 It’s Helen’s party. ( )

  2 Molly has a brother and a sister. ( )

  3 Molly’s brother is in the blue shirt. ( )

  4 Molly’s sister has got long hair. ( )

  5 Helen likes juice. ( )

  6 Helen goes home by bike.