
  听 力 部 分


  ( ) 1 A. shoes B. socks C. shorts

  ( ) 2 A. watch TV B. have lunch C. go to bed

  ( ) 3 A. a brown bike B. a blue kite C. a whitecat

  ( ) 4 A. on the desk B. in the book C.in the box

  ( ) 5 A. three forty B. four tirty C.threefourteen

  ( ) 6 A. your purse B. his puppet C. hepuzzle

  ( ) 7 A. by bus B. by bike C. by car

  ( ) 8 A. a glass of juic B. a cup of tee C. a glassofmilk

  二 听录音,判断所听内容与图片是否相符,用“√”或“×”表示。(10%)

  三 听录音,编序号。(10%)

  A: 7:25 6:15 12:40 3:45 11:30

  ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( )

  B: 16 70 18 54 90

  ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( )


  ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( )


  ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( )

  四 听录音,填入所缺单词,完成句子。(12%)

  1.What’s the matter? I’m .

  Here’s a for . Thanks.

  2.Look at gloves. so funny.

  3.Do you ? , I do.

  4.Don’t ______ the desk . All right.

  5. Miss Li ? Perhaps in the classroom.

  笔 试 部 分

  六 在下列单词中填入适当的字母,并写出其汉语意思。(8%)

  1.sw er( ) 2.b k ( )

  3. ite ( ) 4.r d( )

  5.sm l( ) 6.sh t( )

  7. ose( ) 8.h v ( )

  9.p nd ( ) 10.k t ( )

  七 选出下列单词中不同类的一个。(6%)

  ( )1. A. eat B. hungry C. ill D. tired

  ( )2. A.rabbit B. bear C.monkey D.notebook

  ( )3. A. my B. she C. your D. his

  ( )4. A.blue B. orange C. banana D. yellow

  ( )5. A.seven B. three C. time D. ten

  ( )6. A. dress B.scarf C.hat D.purse

  八 按照书写格式,把下面的句子,正确规范地写在四线格(6%)

  1. don’t draw a cat on the desk please.


  3. excuse me what is this in English

  4. here’s an umbrella for su yang

  九 根据图片,选择合适的对话,将其序号填入图下格内。(6%)

  1 A: What’s the matter? B: I’m bored.

  2 A: I like black. B: Me,too.My bike is black.

  3 A: Whose balloons are they? B: They’re the boy’s.

  4 A: What can you see on the car? B: I can see a doll.

  5 A: I’ve got a new home. I like it. B: How lovely!

  6 A :It’s six. Let’s have supper . B: Ok.

  十 从Ⅱ栏中选出能对Ⅰ栏中句子作出正确反应的答语。(10%)

  Ⅰ Ⅱ

  ( ) 1 Are you sleepy? A. How pretty.

  ( ) 2 Good night. B. Yes

  ( ) 3 Shall we watch TV? C. That’s all right.

  ( ) 4 What’s eleven and thirteen. D. OK,a good idea.

  ( ) 5 What time do you go home? E. See you.

  ( ) 6 What’s that over there? F. Good night.

  ( ) 7 Look at my new dress. G. Me,too

  ( ) 8 Where’s my father? H. He’s in the TV room.

  ( ) 7 Look at my new dress. G.. Me,too

  ( ) 9 See you in the evening. I. A new dress.

  ( ) 10 I’m sorry. J. Twenty-five.

  K. At four thirty.

  十一 将下列各组句子重新排列成对话。(8%)

  1. a.It’s seven forty.

  b.What’s the time?

  c.Let’s have supper.

  d.All right. ( )——( )——( )——( )

  2. a.Look an the gloves.

  b.They’re my mother’s.

  c.Whose are they?

  d. They’re nice. ( )——( )——( )——( )

  3. a.Are you ill?

  b.Why don’t you go to bed now?

  c.What’s the matter,Li Hong?

  d.No,I’m tired. ( )——( )——( )——( )

  4. a.Perhaps it’s over there.

  b.Excuse me.Is this my cat?

  c.NO,it isn’t.It’s my cat

  d.Where is my cat? ( )——( )——( )——( )

  十二 选用方框中的词或词组填空。(8%)

  May, Where, Whose, Who, What time, What, How, What’s

  1. shoes are these? They’re Nancy’s.

  2. are you? Fine, thank you .

  3. is this in English? It’s an umbrella.

  4. is the book? It’s on the desk.

  5. I come in? Come in, please.

  6. do you go to school? At seven forty.

  7. is she? She is my sister.

  8. nine and eleven? It’s twenty.


  1. 你怎么啦?我渴了。

  What’s ? I’m .


  In the ? It’s a .


  What’s now? .


  This is father’s . How !


  The box,please.