

  班级  姓名



  一 听录音,选出你所听到的选项,并将序号填在题前括号内10分

  A        B        C        D

  (   )1. science     subject      social     studies

  (   )2. horse      mouth      house     nice

  (   )3. hobby      happy       copy      hot

  (   )4. chicken     kitchen      trick      chips

  (   )5.how many    how much     how old    how about

  (   )6.at home     go home      at school    at eight

  (   )7.look after     look at      look for    have a look

  (   )8.nice food     rice and food    a nice dog   a nice fork

  (   )9.dance beautifully  speak loudly    sit quietly   walk carefully

  (   )10.keep flowers   grow flowers   get flowers   water flowers

  二 听录音,选择正确的应答,并将序号填在题前括号内5分

  (   )1.A. I’m right .    B. I’m wrong.   C. I still feel cold.   D. I’m cold.

  (   )2.A. I like cooking.  B. Yes , I do.   C. No , I can’t.  D. I have some hobbies.

  (   )3.A. I like dancing.  B. I like running. C. I like English.  D. I like jogging.

  (   )4.A. I’m Nancy. B. No , she isn’t.  C. Yes , she is. D. This is Nancy speaking.

  (   )5.A. Yes , he does.  B. He goes fishing. C. No , he doesn’t. D. He does well.

  三 听录音,判断下列句子是否与录音内容相符,相符的打“√”,不符的打“×”5分

  (   )1. It is Sunday morning.

  (   )2. Is he taking any photos?

  (   )3. I can get some fruit for you.

  (   )4. Wang Bing likes making model cars.

  (   )5. He studies English , PE , Maths , Science and Art.

  四 听录音,根据录音内容选择正确答案10分

  (   )1. Does Helen like making clothes?

  A. No.   B. Yes.   C. I don’t know.

  (   )2. Who likes playing football ?

  A. Tom.   B. John.   C. John and Tom.

  (   )3. How many hobbies does Yangyang have ?

  A. Three.  B. One.   C. Two.

  (   )4. Who looks after her flowers carefully ?

  A. Nancy.  B. Helen.  C. I don’t know.

  (   )5. Does John cook bad food?

  A. No , he doesn’t .  B. I don’t know.  C. Yes , he does.


  一 选出划线部分读音与所给单词的读音相一致的选项8分

  (   )1.some  A. love   B. home  C. nose  D. old

  (   )2.still  A. like   B. with   C. high  D. exercise

  (   )3.stamp  A. make  B. play   C. table  D. animal

  (   )4.jump  A. music  B. study   C. usually D. computer

  (   )5.thirsty  A. with  B. mother  C. three  D. those

  (   )6.runs   A. plays  B. walks   C. likes  D. writes

  (   )7.sweater  A. seat  B. bread   C. eat   D. easy

  (   )8.soon   A. foot  B. good   C. cook  D. school

  二 汉英互译10分

  1. 集邮                 6. surf the Internet

  2. 星期三上午              7. cook nice food

  3. 饭后                 8. stay in bed

  4. 一本有趣的书             9. take some medicine

  5. 同龄                10. sing loudly

  三 选择题10分

  (   )1. Do you like swimming?

  A. No , I do .   B. Yes , I am.  C. Yes , I do .  D. No , I’m not.

  (   )2. It’s 8:00 now . You are late     school .

  A. at  B. for  C. in   D. on

  (   )3.    your brother     well? Yes.

  A. Do…play  B. Do…plays  C. Does…plays  D. Does…play

  (   )4. My son often goes to school     7:00     the morning.

  A. at…in  B. in…at  C. on…in   D. in…on

  (   )5.    you mother     the flowers now?

  A. Does…water  B. Is…watering  C. Is…water  D. Do…waters

  (   )6. He    to play football    Liu Tao.

  A. wants…and   B. want…to  C. wants…with  D. want…with

  (   )7. We have     .

  A. the same hobby  B. a same hobbies  C. same hobby  D. same hobbies

  (   )8.     English lessons do you have in a week?

  A. What  B. How many  C. Which  D. How much

  (   )9. Nancy has got a    cold.  I’m    to hear that.

  A. bad ; sorry  B. bed ; sorry  C. bad ; glad  D. bed ; glad

  (   )10.I like English     .

  A. good  B. a lot of  C. lot  D. better

  四 根据句意用所给单词的适当形式填空5分

  1. Look! Jim is sitting      . (quiet)

  2. What’s the matter with    ? (he)

  3. What    Mike    (do) ? He is     (put) an egg on his head.

  4. Mary usually      to the park on Sundays. (go)

  5. My sister likes      very much . (dance)

  6. My mother      housework in the morning . (not do)

  7. I like collecting     . (coin)

  8. Can you make a T-shirt     my dog? (four)

  五 交际语匹配8分

  I                     II

  (   )1. What’s wrong with you?        A. I like Science.

  (   )2. Here’s a flower for you .        B. I feel cold.

  (   )3. What day is it today?          C. Yes , I do.

  (   )4. Do you have Science on Monday?     D. He usually plays basketball.

  (   )5. What does he usually do on Monday?   E. I’ve got a fever.

  (   )6. How do you feel now?         F. It’s Monday.

  (   )7. I’ve got a fever.            G. Thank you.

  (   )8. I like Chinese. How about you?      H. Let’s go to see a doctor.

  六 连词成句5分

  1.    have , does , English , hobbies , your , any , teacher


  2.    is , an , to , Ben , writing , his , e-mail , friend , Chinese


  3.    English , how , do , a , lessons , have , week , many , you , in


  4.    brother , from , my , school , Monday , goes , to , Friday , to


  5.    a , take , of , some , and , lot , medicine , rest , have


  七 改错10分

  (   )1. We have a lunch at 11:00 o’clock.

  A  B  C    D

  (   )2. Are your English teacher a woman?

  A B        C  D

  (   )3. She likes cooking and grow flowers.

  A  B    C  D

  (   )4. Mr Green and her students are having a lesson.

  A   B     C   D

  (   )5. My hobby is make clothes .

  A  B   C  D

  八 根据所给的情景写出相应的句子6分

  1. 你想知道他星期二通常做什么,你问:


  2. 你看到对气色不太好,你问:


  3. 你想告诉别人你的爱好是购物,你说:


  4. 你想告诉别人计算机课程非常有趣,你说:


  九 阅读理解8分

  Today is Father’s Day . Mike wants to buy something for his father . What does he buy?

  He doesn’t buy a card and a cake as usual (通常的) and he doesn’t buy a tie because his mother

  usually buys it on Father’s Day . Look! He buys a VCD . He says it can help his father learn



  (   )1. Mike wants to go shopping with his father on Father’s Day.

  (   )2. He buys a tie for his father..

  (   )3. His mother usually buys a cake for his father.

  (   )4. A VCD can help his father learn English.