
  Part I. Listening 听力部分 (30分)

  I.Listen and number. 听句子,标号。(8分)

  A. B.

  ( ) ( )


  C .

  ( ) ( )

  II. Listen and choose. 听音,把你听到的单词序号填入括号中。(6分)

  ( ) 1. A. computer B. letter C. corner

  ( ) 2. A. stand B. panda C. stamp

  ( ) 3. A. light B. right C. night

  ( ) 4. A. corner B. short C. store

  ( ) 5. A. pen B. send C. ten

  ( ) 6. A. bottom B. stop C. top

  III. Listen and circle. (圈出你所听到句子的序号)(5分)

  1. A. May I help you send a letter.

  B. May I help you see your letter.

  C. May I help you write your letter.

  2. A. Where do you put the address?

  B. Where do you put the stamp?

  C. Where do you put the write on a postcard?

  3. A. That’s the top, right corner.

  B. That’s the bottom left corner

  C. This is the right corner

  4. A. You write an e-mail on a computer.

  B. You write letter on paper.

  C. You write the address on the right.

  5. A. How much is the postcard?