
  测评时间:40分钟 测评满分:100分


  Ⅰ 听录音,选择正确的图画。(10分)

  Ⅱ 听录音,用1,2,3…为下列图片排序。(10分)

  Ⅲ 听录音,根据你所听到的问句选择正确的答语。(10分)

  ( )1.A.It's a lamp. B.Yes,it is.

  ( )2.A.It's Monday. B.In the bedroom.

  ( )3.A.Thirty. B.Read my book.

  ( )4.A.Okay. B.I want to play badminton.

  ( )5.A.No! B.Great!

  Ⅳ 听录音,判断句子正(√)误(×)。(10分)

  ( )1.I don't want to play badminton now.

  ( )2.My teddy bear is hard.

  ( )3.The slippers are below the bed.

  ( )4.Saturdays is fun!

  ( )5.I draw a picture for my story.


  Ⅰ 连线组成单词。(10分)

  car ping be tele home

  pong ds phone work side

  Ⅱ 看图,选择适当的词填空。(10分)

  put on play fly read brush

  a book kites

  your pyjamas checkers teeth

  Ⅲ 单项选择,把正确答案的序号填在题前括号内。(10分)

  ( )1.The bed is the TV. Xkb1.com

  A. above B.across from C. below

  ( )2.I wash the clothes Sunday.

  A. at B.on C.in

  ( )3.Jenny does her homework the evening.