
  一 听录音,选单词。(10%)

  1. younger  2. hurt     3. each  4.nose    5. matter

  6. yesterday  7. washed  8. little   9. funnier  10. medicine

  二 听句子,选图片。(10%)

  1. Chen Jies hair is longer.

  2. The elephant is stronger.

  3. Look! She has a cold.

  4. She is sad.

  5. I cleaned the room yesterday.

  三 听对话,做选择在每小题A或B上画“√”。(10%)

  1. ----What did your mum do last weekend?

  ----Oh, she went shopping.

  2. ----What did you do yesterday?

  ----I flied a kite.

  3. ----Did you have a nice weekend?

  ----Yes, I went fishing, and I had a good time.

  4. ----What did your brother do last night?

  ----He did homework.

  5. ----I have a sore throat.

  ----Youd better see a doctor.

  四 听对话,填空 将所听到的正确的单词填在下面的横线上。(10%)

  Zhang: How tall are you?

  Mike: Im 164 cm tall. How heavy are you?

  Zhang: Im 48 kg.

  Mike: Whats the matter, Zhang Peng?

  Zhang: I have a headache, I feel bored.

  Mike: Im sorry to hear that. What did you do yesterday evening?

  Zhang: I cleaned the room.