

  (考试时间:40分钟 满分:100分)


  1 Listen and circle.(听录音,圈出你听到的字母组合。)(5%)

  1.A.nd B. mv 2.A.vp B.uv 3.A.st B.et


  2 Listen and circle.(听录音,圈出与你所听内容相符的图片。)(5%)


  3. Listen and choose.(听录音,选出你听到的单词,把字母写在括号里。)(10%)

  1. A.cake B.bike C.bag ( )

  2. A.music B.cinema C.museum ( )

  3. A.bus B.subway C.season ( )

  4. A.post card B.newspaper C.comic book ( )

  5. Asinger B.actor C.writer ( )

  4 Listen and judge.(判断你听到的单词或句子与图片是否相符,相符的打“√”,不相符的打“×”) (10%)



  1. Look and write .(看图,写出与其相似的英文字母,大小写形式都要写出来。)(5%)


  2. Write the letters. (请用大写字母规范书写,a; d; h; j; u.)(5%)


  3.Look and choose.(看图选择正确的单词或短语.)(5%)


  4. Look and write(看图片,写出每组不同类的单词)(5%)



  5. Look and choose.(根据图片选择句子.)(10%)


  6. Read and choose.(读一读,选择恰当的选项。)(15%)

  ( )1. Nice to meet you! A. I’m fine, thank you! B. Nice to meet you, too.

  ( ) 2.What are you doing ? I am______. A. sing B. singing

  ( ) 3.What does your mother do? A She is a teacher . B.I am a teacher .

  ( ) 4.What is your hobby? I like____. A. swim B. swimming

  ( ) 5.I want to buy an English book .I am going to the ____.

  A. cinema B. library

  ( ) 6. —May I_____your bike ?—Sorry. A. ride B. read

  ( ) 7.What is your name ? A.I am Mike. B. Sure.

  ( ) 8.Can you sweep the floor? A.Yes, I do. B.Yes, I can .

  ( ) 9.Where is the library ? A.On foot. B. It is next to the hospital.

  ( ) 10.Thank you ! A.You are welcome! B. Great!

  ( ) 11.想知道别人的名字问: A.How are you? B.What is your name?

  ( ) 12. 你第一次碰到某人,你应说: A. Nice to meet you! B. How old are you?

  ( )13. 在电话里,介绍自己说: A. I’m John. B. This is John.

  ( )14. 你向别人打听Amy的年龄,应该说:

  A. How old are you? B. How old is she?

  ( )15. 你有事需要打断别人的交谈时,你应说:

  A. Excuse me B. I’m sorry.

  7. 连词成句(15%)

  ①they are What (?)

  ②does Where she live (?)

  ③goes by school He to bus (.)

  ④singing I like (.)

  ⑤the is Where office post (?)

  8. Reading comprehension.(读短文,判断句子。对的打“√”,错的打“×”)(10%)

  Zhang Peng is asking to a policeman near the school.

  Z: Excuse me, sir. Is there a bookstore near here?

  P: No, there isn’t. But there is one next to the post office.

  Z: Where is the post office, please?

  P: It’s to the west of the hospital.

  Z: Is it far from here?

  P: Yes.

  Z: How can I get there?

  P: First, turn left and take the No. 16 bus at the bus stop. Next, get off at the hospital. You’ll see the post office.

  Z: Thank you.

  P: You’re welcome.

  ( )1. There is a bookstore near the school.

  ( )2. The post office is next to the bookstore.

  ( )3. The post office is to the west of the hospital.

  ( )4. Zhang Peng walks to the bookstore.

  ( )5. Zhang Peng asks a policeman for help.


  1 Listen and circle.(听录音,圈出你听到的字母组合。)(5%)

  1)mv 2)vp 3)et 4)GJL 5)LXS

  2 Listen and circle.(听录音,圈出与你所听内容相符的图片。)(5%)

  1)newspaper 2)diving 3)pen 4)bike 5)pear

  3. Listen and choose.(听录音,选出你听到的单词,把字母写在括号里。)(10%)

  1)bag 2)cinema 3)bus 4)comic book 5)actor

  4 Listen and judge.(判断你听到的单词或句子与图片是否相符,相符的打“√”,不相符的打“×”) (10%)

  1)He goes to Shaghai by train.

  2) I want to buy an English book in the bookstore.

  3) I’m going to visit my grandparents this weekend.

  4) She goes to work on foot.

  5) Go straight.